
Many thanks to the following people for their contributions to the Excel-Translator websites.
Roberto Mensa
Roberto is an Excel e VBA enthusiast expert. He is active in italian and english online forums about Excel and also publishes his work on his websites E90E50 and E90E50fx.
Krisztina Szabó
Kris is co-manager of the Excel Hero Linkedin group with more than 4400 members, write in her Hungarian blog Adatkertészet and is member of the Frankens Team, a team of Excel experts.
Petros Chatzipantazis
Petros is the managing director of ILYDA (UK) Ltd, the company behind the Ribbon Commander Framework and a member of the practitioners board at the Council for Ubiquitous Intelligence (CUbInt), Emory Goizueta Business School. He publishes regularly free Excel tutorials and VBA Add-ins at
Lydia Anyfantaki
Lydia is an Excel enthusiast and a young entrepreneur, co-founder of the software development start-up company FLEXWARE Innovation Systems.
Jakub Ratke
Jakub is Financial Sales Analyst and supported this project by translating the website and the online formula translator tool to Polish.